
Bowling Green

Okeechobee County Fire Rescue

707 NW 6th Street - Okeechobee, FL 34972



Okeechobee County Fire Rescue Department uses both full time and volunteer members to serve the emergency service needs of the community. The department operates out of three stations that are strategically located throughout the county. Stations are staffed on a 24 hour, 7 days a week, 365 days a year system.


The department is staffed with 62 full time employees who are all trained as Firefighters and Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT), with most of the staff certified as paramedics, and is supplemented by volunteers.


Okeechobee County Fire Rescue provides Advanced Life Support (ALS) emergency medical service (EMS), Fire Protection, Fire Inspections, and fire and EMS public education to all of Okeechobee County. The department accomplishes this with four paramedic staffed and transport capable ambulances and four paramedic engines. Various mutual aid agreements are in place with the counties of Highlands, Glades, Indian River, Martin, Osceola, and St. Lucie.


The field staff and daily operations are under the direct supervision of the Deputy Fire Chief. The responsibility of coordination and conducting all department fire and EMS training is the responsibility of the Captain of Training. All Community Risk Reductions activities including, fire inspections, site plan review, and public education are the responsibility of the Captain of Risk Reduction. The Fire Chief has direct supervision of the Deputy Fire Chief, the Captain of Risk Reduction, Fleet Services, E911, Emergency Operations Center, as well as the budgetary and administrative functions of the department, with indirect supervision of the field staff.




707 NW 6th Street - Okeechobee, FL 34972

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